sharon boynton
My visual guide to make art is nature in all its form and energy guises: earth, light, color, wind,and transformation. Each step along the creative path reveals a new insight to itself. Recently this journey has brought me to a place called Omaha and an art form called metal sculpture. I work at the Metro Community College Weld Lab, cutting and welding steel into sculpture.
The metal has great integrity and I add depth to the surface with paint and transparent patinas. I incorporate fused glass, enamel, wood and found objects into my work. The qualities of these materials add depth and light, creating a unique juxtaposition to
the steel.
My artwork has been displayed in regional
galleries, shops and art fairs since moving to
Omaha from Seattle. Recent events in which I
have exhibited include Artistree Exhibit at
Josyln, Garden Art Exhibit at Lauritzen Gardens, Art Unlocked and now the Women Who Weld Show.