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Diana Carvallo

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I have no special talents – I am only passionately curious.

Albert Einstein

The term passionate means something different to us all. Some may have the passionate drive to work out, dream up wonderful recipes, read 5 books a week or watch the flowers grow in their garden. We can’t all define our passions or we may not even recognize them….. until a little fire glows in our heart, when we have done something that brings us great joy. This wonderful artist – Diana Carvallo – lives her passion for creativity, humanity, and life. Her work is a great example of expressing her passion from the inside out. The artist recently focused on developing a series of sculptures “Guardianes”, for her show at the G Seven Gallery Art Center in Caracas. Figures representing those people who, like a miracle, appear in the lives of people – saving and helping in moments urgent. "The Guardians are these guys who have fought for the dignity and freedom of human life….. and beings who struggle for a better world."


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